
What to expect from a tooth extraction procedure

by Riverside Heights Dental September 24th, 2023 in Dental Services
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Tooth extraction, commonly referred to as getting a tooth pulled, is a fairly routine dental procedure. 

Extractions may be necessary for all sorts of different reasons, such as advanced tooth decay, periodontal disease, impaction, crowding, or injury.

 Here are some more details so you know what to expect from a tooth extraction in our north Surrey dental clinic.

4 steps in a tooth extraction

  1. Numbing
  2. Loosen
  3. Extraction
  4. Recovery

First, the area in your mouth where the tooth is to be extracted is numbed using a local anaesthetic. This is like the typical freezing you’d get when having a cavity filled. There are other sedation options available depending on the patient's needs. Simply talk with your dentist to find the most suitable form for you.

Second, the dentist will use tools to loosen the tooth in the socket. If there is extreme decay, impaction, or injury, an incision may have to be made to facilitate the extraction.

Third, the tooth is extracted! (Some patients ask for the tooth as a memento and we’re happy to oblige.) If stitches are required, they will be done at this point. Gauze is added and the patient is asked to bite down gently. This helps stop any bleeding and encourages clots to form.

Fourth and lastly, is the recovery period. Common side effects include bleeding, swelling, and discomfort. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen are usually enough to relieve these simple side effects. However each case is different and you may be prescribed antibiotics or other pain relievers. Most people feel back to normal after a few days. 

In cases where tooth extractions are very complex, your dentist may refer you to an oral surgeon for the procedure.

Have questions about tooth extractions or other dental procedures? Riverside Heights Dental Centre here to help! Give us a call or make an appointment today! 604-584-2535