
Top sources of tooth pain and its treatment

by Riverside Heights Dental January 24th, 2024 in Dental Health, Dental Services
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Tooth pain can present a number of ways such as a persistent or intermittent ache, a sharp pain or a throbbing pain. 

Any kind of tooth pain may cause issues with eating, sleeping, concentrating or just enjoying your day. All are valid reasons to see your dentist. Because even the dullest ache may indicate a more serious underlying problem, or be headed in that direction.

Here are some typical causes of tooth pain. You may have experienced one or more of these already.

Typical causes of tooth pain

  • Cavities
  • Bruxism/teeth grinding
  • Cracked or broken teeth 
  • Wisdom teeth
  • Exposed roots

Tooth pain is no fun! Fortunately, dentists in Surrey utilise a number of very effective tooth pain treatments to help restore pain-free form and functionality to your mouth. See below for a general overview. However, keep in mind that a dental exam will be performed to evaluate each individual’s case of tooth pain to find the cause(s). Then the most appropriate treatment for the patient can be applied.

Tooth pain treatment

Cavities are treated with white or silver fillings, or a root canal which removes infected pulp.

Teeth grinding is addressed with a protective mouth guard to be worn at night.

Cracked teeth are repaired or fitted with crowns.

Wisdom teeth are commonly extracted as there’s usually not enough room in the mouth for them.

Exposed roots often caused by gum recession, can be treated with gum grafts.

Hopefully tooth pain is not something you or your loved ones experience often. But it does happen.

Please know there’s no need to endure that kind of discomfort or disruption to your daily life. Restore functionality and a pain-free smile with a simple call. Book an appointment with a dentist in Surrey to start tooth pain treatments today. 

Riverside Heights dentists in North Surrey have been alleviating tooth pain for happy patients for over 20 years. We are conveniently located near the Guildford Mall & Fraser Heights and are currently accepting new patients. 604-584-2535