The Damaging Effects of Plaque and Tartar on Your Teeth and Gums
Most of us know how important dental hygiene is for the overall health of the entire body. However, patients tend to slack off when it comes to taking proper care of their teeth, which can and does create further problems. Plaque is formed with the help of acid found in bacteria that resides in your mouth. The accumulation of plaque on your teeth leads to irritation of the gums, and can cause bleeding and receding gums.
Tartar, or dental calculus, is hardened plaque that wasn’t eliminated in time and has therefore mineralized on your teeth. If this happens, it is much more difficult to deal with the problem than in the situation where only regular plaque has formed. What’s even worse is that it weakens the tooth enamel which then leads to cavities. If tartar stays untreated, this condition can even cause permanent tooth deterioration. In more serious cases, where the tartar has been untreated for a long period of time, gingivitis or even periodontitis can affect your gums. These conditions, especially the latter, can lead to bone deterioration and even tooth loss. Gingivitis can be treated and even eliminated through proper dental care, but periodontitis is a more serious ailment.
In order to keep your teeth strong and healthy, you have to take care of them. Brush them at least twice a day, don’t forget to floss and schedule a professional dental cleaning every six months. Even if you do take extra care of your teeth and gums at home, nothing can replace the hands of a professional. It’s better to prevent serious health issues than to treat them. Remember, teeth are essential to overall health, meaning when you look after them you look after your whole body. Without strong healthy teeth and gums, even everyday necessities like eating become difficult.