
How long does it take to get used to new braces?

by Riverside Heights Dental April 29th, 2021 in Dental Health, Orthodontics - Invisalign
How long does it take to get used to new braces

Dental Appliances for Correcting Teeth Issues

There are a number of dental appliances we can use help to correct issues with your teeth. For instance, bridges, crowns and implants support or replace damaged or missing teeth. To fix spacing, or misalignment of the teeth or jaw, we use braces. These gently move teeth into place to give a correct bite and a smooth, beautiful smile. 

Getting Used to Braces

One question we get a lot about braces is: “How long does it take to get used to new braces?” Once they are in place, the initial settling-in period takes about a week. Most people notice some discomfort as their teeth begin to shift. You might prefer to have soft foods for a few days until the tenderness fades. If your lips show signs of irritation, orthodontic wax can be smooth over the braces in that area until your lip becomes accustomed.

The Invisalign Alternative

The above refers to the metal braces most people are familiar with. Now there is a new alternative called Invisalign. This system uses a series of clear, plastic trays that gradually move your teeth. This is a good option for people who have good oral hygiene and are very compliant with wearing their trays. The same initial tenderness is experienced as with metal braces. It too should be much improved after the first week.

Braces for People of All Ages

Braces are helpful in fixing problems for people of all ages. Of course, the earlier problems are caught, the better they are fixed. This is especially true regarding braces for children because their jaws are still growing. Children should be assessed early by a dentist to see if orthodontic care is the best course.

The dentists at Riverside Heights Dental in Surrey have many hours of continuing education in orthodontics, as well as certification as an Invisalign provider. Contact us for more information.